Now is the Time LLC

Module #2 – Work Superpowers Development Course


Fire up your grit and decisiveness with work superpowers you didn’t knew you possessed 


Ronnie Needhams superpower development course strategically integrates work superpowers to reprogram your subconscious mind. The course will help you find your superpower; your super-memory in your super-mind. We’ll help you discover unique talents and special sparks that’ll make you distinct from the rest of the pack. You will master speed-reading, enhance memory, explore meditations, and more through visualization, diet, exercise, and Yoga.

The superwork development course is entitled to find the best inside of you

Video on Demand:

21 Training Videos

11 Hours

Price $630


Hack your Mind to Sharpen Your Focus on Learning professional superpower skills

We all are created with incredible capabilities. This professional superpower course is about reprogramming your mind for success, using repetition, color, and knowledge to unlock a whole new level of mental performance.

This course will help you devour books that have been gathering dust on your shelves, Free up valuable time that is spent wrestling in dense text , or  get through afternoon slump and focus more on meditation, diet, and more.

*This life-changing course is your blueprint to success, delivered in bite-sized daily lessons. Get ready for 21 action-packed videos (around 30 minutes each) spread over 4 weeks, with a hefty workbook to guide you every step of the way. It’s a demanding but rewarding journey, requiring just 5 days a week of your time for 3 weeks.


Hit the Refresh Button and create a superpower for yourself

✔️  Memory techniques to turn forgetfulness into a superpower.

✔️ Meditation practices to sharpen your focus and enhance concentration.

✔️Visualization exercises to unlock new levels of creativity.

✔️ Dietary and exercise strategies to optimize your brainpower

✔️ Learn ways to calm your thoughts and sharpen your focus to adapt to new skills.

✔️Retain information that seems to vanish into thin air the moment we put the article down.


What superpowers at work you’ll learn

Improve your learning techniques like speed-reading, memory improvement, and visualization to gain ability to absorb and retain information much faster and more effectively.

You’ll get to know meditations, mindfulness exercises, and potentially yoga that’ll help you develop greater control over your focus, thoughts, and emotions.

Gain a holistic approach to improving your physical and mental healthWith the inclusion of information on diet, exercise, and addiction elimination.

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